
White Tail Spider

Red Back Spider

Mouse Spider

Black, Brown & Grey House Spider

Huntsman Spider

Daddy Long Legs Spider

Mice initially came to Australia with the first European settlers in 1788. Since then, they have become one of the biggest pests the country has ever seen. Mice have a gestation period of approximately 20 days, giving birth to between 3 – 14 young at a time. A female mouse can have up to ten litters per year, meaning they breed incredibly quickly. They can do significant damage to homes and crops. They are a health hazard, as they contaminate food and other materials, and their droppings can be a potential asthma trigger for children.

Cockroaches are one of Australia’s most popular pests, and getting rid of them can be difficult. To prevent these pests from entering your home in the first place, the best idea is to keep it clean. Cockroaches enjoy rotten food and garbage, so eliminating these from your home will most likely stop the problem before it becomes one. They are well known for spreading different diseases, making them a health risk.